The engine interface. More...
Public Member Functions | |
Memory management | |
virtual int | AddRef () const =0 |
Increase reference counter. More... | |
virtual int | Release () const =0 |
Decrease reference counter. More... | |
virtual int | ShutDownAndRelease ()=0 |
Shuts down the engine then decrease the reference counter. More... | |
Engine properties | |
virtual int | SetEngineProperty (asEEngineProp property, asPWORD value)=0 |
Dynamically change some engine properties. More... | |
virtual asPWORD | GetEngineProperty (asEEngineProp property) const =0 |
Retrieve current engine property settings. More... | |
Compiler messages | |
virtual int | SetMessageCallback (const asSFuncPtr &callback, void *obj, asDWORD callConv)=0 |
Sets a message callback that will receive compiler messages. More... | |
virtual int | ClearMessageCallback ()=0 |
Clears the registered message callback routine. More... | |
virtual int | WriteMessage (const char *section, int row, int col, asEMsgType type, const char *message)=0 |
Writes a message to the message callback. More... | |
JIT compiler | |
virtual int | SetJITCompiler (asIJITCompiler *compiler)=0 |
Sets the JIT compiler. More... | |
virtual asIJITCompiler * | GetJITCompiler () const =0 |
Returns the JIT compiler. More... | |
Global functions | |
virtual int | RegisterGlobalFunction (const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary=0)=0 |
Registers a global function. More... | |
virtual asUINT | GetGlobalFunctionCount () const =0 |
Returns the number of registered functions. More... | |
virtual asIScriptFunction * | GetGlobalFunctionByIndex (asUINT index) const =0 |
Returns the registered function. More... | |
virtual asIScriptFunction * | GetGlobalFunctionByDecl (const char *declaration) const =0 |
Returns the registered function. More... | |
Global properties | |
virtual int | RegisterGlobalProperty (const char *declaration, void *pointer)=0 |
Registers a global property. More... | |
virtual asUINT | GetGlobalPropertyCount () const =0 |
Returns the number of registered global properties. More... | |
virtual int | GetGlobalPropertyByIndex (asUINT index, const char **name, const char **nameSpace=0, int *typeId=0, bool *isConst=0, const char **configGroup=0, void **pointer=0, asDWORD *accessMask=0) const =0 |
Returns the detail on the registered global property. More... | |
virtual int | GetGlobalPropertyIndexByName (const char *name) const =0 |
Returns the index of the property. More... | |
virtual int | GetGlobalPropertyIndexByDecl (const char *decl) const =0 |
Returns the index of the property. More... | |
Object types | |
virtual int | RegisterObjectType (const char *obj, int byteSize, asDWORD flags)=0 |
Registers a new object type. More... | |
virtual int | RegisterObjectProperty (const char *obj, const char *declaration, int byteOffset, int compositeOffset=0, bool isCompositeIndirect=false)=0 |
Registers a property for the object type. More... | |
virtual int | RegisterObjectMethod (const char *obj, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary=0, int compositeOffset=0, bool isCompositeIndirect=false)=0 |
Registers a method for the object type. More... | |
virtual int | RegisterObjectBehaviour (const char *obj, asEBehaviours behaviour, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary=0, int compositeOffset=0, bool isCompositeIndirect=false)=0 |
Registers a behaviour for the object type. More... | |
virtual int | RegisterInterface (const char *name)=0 |
Registers a script interface. More... | |
virtual int | RegisterInterfaceMethod (const char *intf, const char *declaration)=0 |
Registers a script interface method. More... | |
virtual asUINT | GetObjectTypeCount () const =0 |
Returns the number of registered object types. More... | |
virtual asITypeInfo * | GetObjectTypeByIndex (asUINT index) const =0 |
Returns the object type interface by index. More... | |
String factory | |
virtual int | RegisterStringFactory (const char *datatype, asIStringFactory *factory)=0 |
Registers the string factory. More... | |
virtual int | GetStringFactoryReturnTypeId (asDWORD *flags=0) const =0 |
Returns the type id of the type that the string factory returns. More... | |
Default array type | |
virtual int | RegisterDefaultArrayType (const char *type)=0 |
Registers the type that should be used as the default array. More... | |
virtual int | GetDefaultArrayTypeId () const =0 |
Returns the type id of the registered type. More... | |
Enums | |
virtual int | RegisterEnum (const char *type)=0 |
Registers an enum type. More... | |
virtual int | RegisterEnumValue (const char *type, const char *name, int value)=0 |
Registers an enum value. More... | |
virtual asUINT | GetEnumCount () const =0 |
Returns the number of registered enum types. More... | |
virtual asITypeInfo * | GetEnumByIndex (asUINT index) const =0 |
Returns the registered enum type. More... | |
Funcdefs | |
virtual int | RegisterFuncdef (const char *decl)=0 |
Registers a function definition. More... | |
virtual asUINT | GetFuncdefCount () const =0 |
Returns the number of registered function definitions. More... | |
virtual asITypeInfo * | GetFuncdefByIndex (asUINT index) const =0 |
Returns a registered function definition. More... | |
Typedefs | |
virtual int | RegisterTypedef (const char *type, const char *decl)=0 |
Registers a typedef. More... | |
virtual asUINT | GetTypedefCount () const =0 |
Returns the number of registered typedefs. More... | |
virtual asITypeInfo * | GetTypedefByIndex (asUINT index) const =0 |
Returns a registered typedef. More... | |
Configuration groups | |
virtual int | BeginConfigGroup (const char *groupName)=0 |
Starts a new dynamic configuration group. More... | |
virtual int | EndConfigGroup ()=0 |
Ends the configuration group. More... | |
virtual int | RemoveConfigGroup (const char *groupName)=0 |
Removes a previously registered configuration group. More... | |
virtual asDWORD | SetDefaultAccessMask (asDWORD defaultMask)=0 |
Sets the access mask that should be used for subsequent registered entities. More... | |
virtual int | SetDefaultNamespace (const char *nameSpace)=0 |
Sets the current default namespace for registrations and searches. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetDefaultNamespace () const =0 |
Returns the current default namespace. More... | |
Script modules | |
virtual asIScriptModule * | GetModule (const char *module, asEGMFlags flag=asGM_ONLY_IF_EXISTS)=0 |
Return an interface pointer to the module. More... | |
virtual int | DiscardModule (const char *module)=0 |
Discard a module. More... | |
virtual asUINT | GetModuleCount () const =0 |
Get the number of modules. More... | |
virtual asIScriptModule * | GetModuleByIndex (asUINT index) const =0 |
Get a module by index. More... | |
Script functions | |
virtual asIScriptFunction * | GetFunctionById (int funcId) const =0 |
Returns the function by its id. More... | |
Type identification | |
virtual int | GetTypeIdByDecl (const char *decl) const =0 |
Returns a type id by declaration. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetTypeDeclaration (int typeId, bool includeNamespace=false) const =0 |
Returns a type declaration. More... | |
virtual int | GetSizeOfPrimitiveType (int typeId) const =0 |
Returns the size of a primitive type. More... | |
virtual asITypeInfo * | GetTypeInfoById (int typeId) const =0 |
Returns the type interface for type. More... | |
virtual asITypeInfo * | GetTypeInfoByName (const char *name) const =0 |
Returns the type interface by name. More... | |
virtual asITypeInfo * | GetTypeInfoByDecl (const char *decl) const =0 |
Returns a type by declaration. More... | |
Script execution | |
virtual asIScriptContext * | CreateContext ()=0 |
Creates a new script context. More... | |
virtual void * | CreateScriptObject (const asITypeInfo *type)=0 |
Creates an object defined by its type. More... | |
virtual void * | CreateScriptObjectCopy (void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type)=0 |
Creates a copy of a script object. More... | |
virtual void * | CreateUninitializedScriptObject (const asITypeInfo *type)=0 |
Creates an uninitialized script object defined by its type. More... | |
virtual asIScriptFunction * | CreateDelegate (asIScriptFunction *func, void *obj)=0 |
Create a delegate for an object and method. More... | |
virtual int | AssignScriptObject (void *dstObj, void *srcObj, const asITypeInfo *type)=0 |
Copy one script object to another. More... | |
virtual void | ReleaseScriptObject (void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type)=0 |
Release the object pointer. More... | |
virtual void | AddRefScriptObject (void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type)=0 |
Increase the reference counter for the script object. More... | |
virtual int | RefCastObject (void *obj, asITypeInfo *fromType, asITypeInfo *toType, void **newPtr, bool useOnlyImplicitCast=false)=0 |
Returns the handle on a successful reference cast to desired type. More... | |
virtual asILockableSharedBool * | GetWeakRefFlagOfScriptObject (void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type) const =0 |
Returns the weak ref flag from the object. More... | |
Context pooling | |
virtual asIScriptContext * | RequestContext ()=0 |
Request a context. More... | |
virtual void | ReturnContext (asIScriptContext *ctx)=0 |
Return a context when it won't be used anymore. More... | |
virtual int | SetContextCallbacks (asREQUESTCONTEXTFUNC_t requestCtx, asRETURNCONTEXTFUNC_t returnCtx, void *param=0)=0 |
Register context callbacks for pooling. More... | |
String interpretation | |
virtual asETokenClass | ParseToken (const char *string, size_t stringLength=0, asUINT *tokenLength=0) const =0 |
Returns the class and length of the first token in the string. More... | |
Garbage collection | |
virtual int | GarbageCollect (asDWORD flags=asGC_FULL_CYCLE, asUINT numIterations=1)=0 |
Perform garbage collection. More... | |
virtual void | GetGCStatistics (asUINT *currentSize, asUINT *totalDestroyed=0, asUINT *totalDetected=0, asUINT *newObjects=0, asUINT *totalNewDestroyed=0) const =0 |
Obtain statistics from the garbage collector. More... | |
virtual int | NotifyGarbageCollectorOfNewObject (void *obj, asITypeInfo *type)=0 |
Notify the garbage collector of a new object that needs to be managed. More... | |
virtual int | GetObjectInGC (asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr=0, void **obj=0, asITypeInfo **type=0)=0 |
Gets an object in the garbage collector. More... | |
virtual void | GCEnumCallback (void *reference)=0 |
Used by the garbage collector to enumerate all references held by an object. More... | |
virtual void | ForwardGCEnumReferences (void *ref, asITypeInfo *type)=0 |
Used to forward GC callback to held value types that may contain references. More... | |
virtual void | ForwardGCReleaseReferences (void *ref, asITypeInfo *type)=0 |
Used to forward GC callback to held value types that may contain references. More... | |
virtual void | SetCircularRefDetectedCallback (asCIRCULARREFFUNC_t callback, void *param=0)=0 |
Set a callback for capturing more info on circular reference for debugging. More... | |
User data | |
virtual void * | SetUserData (void *data, asPWORD type=0)=0 |
Register the memory address of some user data. More... | |
virtual void * | GetUserData (asPWORD type=0) const =0 |
Returns the address of the previously registered user data. More... | |
virtual void | SetEngineUserDataCleanupCallback (asCLEANENGINEFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type=0)=0 |
Set the function that should be called when the engine is destroyed. More... | |
virtual void | SetModuleUserDataCleanupCallback (asCLEANMODULEFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type=0)=0 |
Set the function that should be called when the module is destroyed. More... | |
virtual void | SetContextUserDataCleanupCallback (asCLEANCONTEXTFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type=0)=0 |
Set the function that should be called when a context is destroyed. More... | |
virtual void | SetFunctionUserDataCleanupCallback (asCLEANFUNCTIONFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type=0)=0 |
Set the function that should be called when a function is destroyed. More... | |
virtual void | SetTypeInfoUserDataCleanupCallback (asCLEANTYPEINFOFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type=0)=0 |
Set the function that should be called when a type info is destroyed. More... | |
virtual void | SetScriptObjectUserDataCleanupCallback (asCLEANSCRIPTOBJECTFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type=0)=0 |
Set the function that should be called when a script object is destroyed. More... | |
Exception handling | |
virtual int | SetTranslateAppExceptionCallback (asSFuncPtr callback, void *param, int callConv)=0 |
Register the exception translation callback. More... | |
The engine is the central object. It is where the application registers the application interface that the scripts should be able to use, and it is where the application can request modules to build scripts and contexts to execute them.
The engine instance is created with a call to asCreateScriptEngine.
It is allowed to have multiple instances of script engines, but there is rarely a need for it. Even if the application needs to expose different interfaces to different types of scripts this can usually be accomplished through the use of configuration groups and access profiles.
pure virtual |
Call this method when storing an additional reference to the object. Remember that the first reference that is received from asCreateScriptEngine is already accounted for.
pure virtual |
[in] | obj | A pointer to the object. |
[in] | type | The type of the object. |
This calls the add ref method of the object to increase the reference count.
pure virtual |
[in] | dstObj | A pointer to the destination object. |
[in] | srcObj | A pointer to the source object. |
[in] | type | The type of the objects. |
asINVALID_ARG | One of the arguments is null |
asNOT_SUPPORTED | The object type is a ref type and value assignment has been turned off |
This calls the assignment operator to copy the object from one to the other.
This only works for objects.
pure virtual |
[in] | groupName | The name of the configuration group |
asNAME_TAKEN | Another group with the same name already exists. |
asNOT_SUPPORTED | Nesting configuration groups is not supported. |
Starts a new dynamic configuration group. This group can be setup so that it is only visible to specific modules, and it can also be removed when it is no longer used.
pure virtual |
Call this method to remove the message callback.
pure virtual |
This method creates a context that will be used to execute the script functions. The context interface created will have its reference counter already increased.
pure virtual |
[in] | func | The object method |
[in] | obj | The object pointer |
pure virtual |
[in] | type | The type of the object to create. |
This method is used to create an object based on it's type. The method will call the object type's default factory. If the object type doesn't have a default factory the call will fail and no object will be created.
Created objects will have their reference counter set to 1 so the application needs to release the pointer when it will no longer use it.
If the type is a registered value type, then the memory for the object will be allocated using the default memory routine. To destroy and and deallocate the object it is best to use ReleaseScriptObject.
The method only works for objects, for primitive types and object handles the method doesn't do anything and returns a null pointer.
pure virtual |
[in] | obj | A pointer to the source object. |
[in] | type | The type of the object. |
This method is used to create a copy of an existing object.
This only works for objects, for primitive types and object handles the method doesn't do anything and returns a null pointer.
pure virtual |
[in] | type | The type of the object to create. |
This method can only be used to create instances of script classes.
The returned object will only be initialized so far that there are no invalid pointers or references. The constructor of the script class will not be invoked.
If the script class has any registered types as members, the default constructor for those members will be executed.
This method is meant for objects that will be initialized manually by the application, e.g. when restoring a serialized object.
pure virtual |
[in] | module | The name of the module |
asNO_MODULE | The module was not found. |
Discards a module and frees its memory. Any pointers that the application holds to this module will be invalid after this call.
pure virtual |
asERROR | Can't end a group that hasn't been begun. |
Ends the current configuration group. Once finished a config group cannot be changed, but it can be removed when it is no longer used.
pure virtual |
[in] | ref | The object pointer |
[in] | type | The type of the object |
This should be used by reference types that implement the asBEHAVE_ENUMREFS behaviour when the object holds a value type that can in turn contain references.
pure virtual |
[in] | ref | The object pointer |
[in] | type | The type of the object |
This should be used by reference types that implement the asBEHAVE_RELEASEREFS behaviour when the object holds a value type that can in turn contain references.
pure virtual |
[in] | flags | Set to a combination of the asEGCFlags. |
[in] | numIterations | The number of iterations to perform when not doing a full cycle |
This method will free script objects that can no longer be reached. When the engine is released the garbage collector will automatically do a full cycle to release all objects still alive. If the engine is long living it is important to call this method every once in a while to free up memory allocated by the scripts. If a script does a lot of allocations before returning it may be necessary to implement a line callback function that calls the garbage collector during execution of the script.
It is not necessary to do a full cycle with every call. This makes it possible to spread out the garbage collection time over a large period, thus not impacting the responsiveness of the application.
pure virtual |
[in] | reference | A pointer to the referenced object. |
When processing the asBEHAVE_ENUMREFS call the called object should call GCEnumCallback for each of the references it holds to other objects. If the object holds a value type that may contain references, then use the ForwardGCEnumReferences.
pure virtual |
asINVALID_TYPE | The default array type hasn't been registered. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | property | One of the asEEngineProp values. |
Calling this method lets you determine the current value of the engine properties.
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the enum type. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the funcdef. |
This function does not increase the reference count of the returned function definition.
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | funcId | The id of the function or method. |
This does not increment the reference count of the returned function interface.
pure virtual |
[out] | currentSize | The current number of objects known to the garbage collector. |
[out] | totalDestroyed | The total number of objects destroyed by the garbage collector. |
[out] | totalDetected | The total number of objects detected as garbage with circular references. |
[out] | newObjects | The current number of objects in the new generation. |
[out] | totalNewDestroyed | The total number of objects destroyed while still in the new generation. |
This method can be used to query the number of objects that the garbage collector is keeping track of. If the number is very large then it is probably time to call the GarbageCollect method so that some of the objects ca be freed.
pure virtual |
[in] | declaration | The signature of the function. |
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the registered global function. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the global variable. |
[out] | name | Receives the name of the property. |
[out] | nameSpace | Receives the namespace of the property. |
[out] | typeId | Receives the typeId of the property. |
[out] | isConst | Receives the constness indicator of the property. |
[out] | configGroup | Receives the config group in which the property was registered. |
[out] | pointer | Receives the pointer of the property. |
[out] | accessMask | Receives the access mask of the property. |
asINVALID_ARG | index is too large. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | decl | The declaration of the property to search for. |
asNO_GLOBAL_VAR | No matching property was found. |
asINVALID_DECLARATION | The given declaration is invalid. |
pure virtual |
[in] | name | The name of the property. |
asNO_GLOBAL_VAR | No matching property was found. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | module | The name of the module |
[in] | flag | One of the asEGMFlags flags |
Use this method to get access to the module interface, which will let you build new scripts, and enumerate functions and types in existing modules.
If asGM_ALWAYS_CREATE is informed as the flag the previous module with the same name will be discarded, thus any pointers that the engine holds to it will be invalid after the call.
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the module. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | idx | The index of the desired object |
[out] | seqNbr | The sequence number of the obtained object |
[out] | obj | The object pointer |
[out] | type | The type of the obtained object |
asINVALID_ARG | The index is not valid |
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the type. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | typeId | The type id of the type. |
This method can be used to return the size of any built-in primitive type, and also for script declared or application registered enums.
pure virtual |
[out] | flags | The type modifiers for the return type |
asNO_FUNCTION | The string factory has not been registered. |
pure virtual |
[in] | typeId | The type id of the type. |
[in] | includeNamespace | Set to true if the namespace should be included in the formatted declaration. |
pure virtual |
[in] | index | The index of the typedef. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
[in] | decl | The declaration of the type. |
asINVALID_TYPE | decl is not a valid type. |
Translates a type declaration into a type id. The returned type id is valid for as long as the type is valid, so you can safely store it for later use to avoid potential overhead by calling this function each time. Just remember to update the type id, any time the type is changed within the engine, e.g. when recompiling script declared classes, or changing the engine configuration.
The type id is based on a sequence number and depends on the order in which the type ids are queried, thus is not guaranteed to always be the same for each execution of the application. The asETypeIdFlags can be used to obtain some information about the type directly from the id.
A base type yields the same type id whether the declaration is const or not, however if the const is for the subtype then the type id is different, e.g. string@ isn't the same as const string@ but string is the same as const string.
This method is only able to return the type id that are not specific for a script module, i.e. built-in types and application registered types. Type ids for script declared types should be obtained through the script module's GetTypeIdByDecl.
pure virtual |
[in] | decl | The declaration of the type. |
Translates a type declaration into the type info. The returned type is valid for as long as the type is valid, so you can safely store it for later use to avoid potential overhead from calling this function each time. Just remember to update the type info pointer any time the type is changed within the engine, e.g. when recompiling script declared classes, or changing the engine configuration.
pure virtual |
[in] | typeId | The type id of the type. |
This does not increment the reference count of the returned type.
pure virtual |
[in] | name | The name of the type. |
This does not increase the reference count of the returned type info.
pure virtual |
[in] | type | An identifier specifying the user data to get. |
pure virtual |
[in] | obj | The object |
[in] | type | The object type |
As long as the weak ref flag is not set, the owning object is still alive. Once the weak ref flag is set, the object is dead and should no longer be accessed. Check if the flag is set with the asILockableSharedBool::Get method.
This method doesn't increase the reference to the returned shared boolean.
pure virtual |
[in] | obj | A pointer to the newly created object. |
[in] | type | The type of the object. |
asINVALID_ARG | Either the object or the type is null |
This method should be called when a new garbage collected object is created. The GC will then store a reference to the object so that it can automatically detect whether the object is involved in any circular references that should be released.
pure virtual |
[in] | string | The string to parse. |
[in] | stringLength | The length of the string. Can be 0 if the string is null terminated. |
[out] | tokenLength | Gives the length of the identified token. |
This function is useful for those applications that want to tokenize strings into tokens that the script language uses, e.g. IDEs providing syntax highlighting, or intellisense. It can also be used to parse the meta data strings that may be declared for script entities.
pure virtual |
[in] | obj | A pointer to the object. |
[in] | fromType | The type of the object. |
[in] | toType | The desired type for the cast. |
[out] | newPtr | The new pointer to the object if successful. |
[in] | useOnlyImplicitCast | If only the implicit reference cast operators should be used. |
asINVALID_ARG | A null pointer was supplied |
This method is used to cast an pointer to a different type. While both the new and old pointers are expected to refer to the same instance, the address of the pointers are not necessarily the same.
If the cast is successful the newPtr will be set to the new pointer, and the reference counter will be incremented. If the cast is not successful, the newPtr will be set to null, and the reference count left unchanged.
pure virtual |
[in] | type | The name of the template type, e.g. array<T> |
asINVALID_TYPE | The type is not a template type |
pure virtual |
[in] | type | The name of the enum type. |
asINVALID_NAME | type is null, not an identifier, or it is a reserved keyword. |
asALREADY_REGISTERED | Another type with this name already exists. |
asERROR | The type couldn't be parsed. |
asNAME_TAKEN | The type name is already taken. |
This method registers an enum type in the engine. The enum values should then be registered with RegisterEnumValue.
pure virtual |
[in] | type | The name of the enum type. |
[in] | name | The name of the enum value. |
[in] | value | The integer value of the enum value. |
asWRONG_CONFIG_GROUP | The enum type was registered in a different configuration group. |
asINVALID_TYPE | The type is invalid. |
asALREADY_REGISTERED | The name is already registered for this enum. |
This method registers an enum value for a previously registered enum type.
pure virtual |
[in] | decl | The declaration of the function definition. |
asINVALID_ARG | The decl parameter is not given. |
asINVALID_DECLARATION | decl is not a valid function definition. |
asNAME_TAKEN | The name of the funcdef conflicts with another name. |
Funcdefs are used to define the signature of function pointers. If the application is going to receive function pointers from scripts, it is necessary to first register the funcdef before registering the function or property that will be used to receive it.
Funcdefs are usually registered as global entities, but can also be registered as a child of a class. To do this simply prefix the name of the funcdef with the name of the class and the scope operator to specify which class should be the owner.
pure virtual |
[in] | declaration | The declaration of the global function in script syntax. |
[in] | funcPointer | The function pointer. |
[in] | callConv | The calling convention for the function. |
[in] | auxiliary | A helper object for use with some calling conventions. |
asNOT_SUPPORTED | The calling convention is not supported. |
asWRONG_CALLING_CONV | The function's calling convention doesn't match callConv. |
asINVALID_DECLARATION | The function declaration is invalid. |
asNAME_TAKEN | The function name is already used elsewhere. |
asALREADY_REGISTERED | The function has already been registered with the same parameter list. |
asINVALID_ARG | The auxiliary pointer wasn't set according to calling convention. |
This method registers system functions that the scripts may use to communicate with the host application.
The auxiliary pointer can optionally be used with asCALL_GENERIC. For the calling convention asCALL_THISCALL_ASGLOBAL the auxiliary is required.
pure virtual |
[in] | declaration | The declaration of the global property in script syntax. |
[in] | pointer | The address of the property that will be used to access the property value. |
asINVALID_DECLARATION | The declaration has invalid syntax. |
asINVALID_TYPE | The declaration is a reference. |
asINVALID_ARG | The pointer is null. |
asNAME_TAKEN | The name is already taken. |
Use this method to register a global property that the scripts will be able to access as global variables. The property may optionally be registered as const, if the scripts shouldn't be allowed to modify it.
When registering the property, the application must pass the address to the actual value. The application must also make sure that this address remains valid throughout the life time of this registration, i.e. until the engine is released or the dynamic configuration group is removed.
pure virtual |
[in] | name | The name of the interface. |
asINVALID_NAME | The name is null, or a reserved keyword. |
asALREADY_REGISTERED | An object type with this name already exists. |
asERROR | The name is not a proper identifier. |
asNAME_TAKEN | The name is already used elsewhere. |
This registers an interface that script classes can implement. By doing this the application can register functions and methods that receives an asIScriptObject and still be sure that the class implements certain methods needed by the application.
pure virtual |
[in] | intf | The name of the interface. |
[in] | declaration | The method declaration. |
asWRONG_CONFIG_GROUP | The interface was registered in another configuration group. |
asINVALID_TYPE | intf is not an interface type. |
asINVALID_DECLARATION | The declaration is invalid. |
asNAME_TAKEN | The method name is already taken. |
This registers a method that the class that implements the script interface must have.
pure virtual |
[in] | obj | The name of the type. |
[in] | behaviour | One of the object behaviours from asEBehaviours. |
[in] | declaration | The declaration of the method in script syntax. |
[in] | funcPointer | The method or function pointer. |
[in] | callConv | The calling convention for the method or function. |
[in] | auxiliary | A helper object for use with some calling conventions. |
[in] | compositeOffset | The offset to the composite object. |
[in] | isCompositeIndirect | Set to false if the composite object is inline, and true if it is refered to by pointer. |
asWRONG_CONFIG_GROUP | The object type was registered in a different configuration group. |
asINVALID_ARG | obj is not set, or a global behaviour is given in behaviour, or the objForThiscall pointer wasn't set according to calling convention. |
asWRONG_CALLING_CONV | The function's calling convention isn't compatible with callConv. |
asNOT_SUPPORTED | The calling convention or the behaviour signature is not supported. |
asINVALID_TYPE | The obj parameter is not a valid object name. |
asINVALID_DECLARATION | The declaration is invalid. |
asILLEGAL_BEHAVIOUR_FOR_TYPE | The behaviour is not allowed for this type. |
asALREADY_REGISTERED | The behaviour is already registered with the same signature. |
Use this method to register behaviour functions that will be called by the virtual machine to perform certain operations, such as memory management, math operations, comparisons, etc.
The declaration must form a valid function signature, but the give function name will not be used or stored in the application so there is no need to provide a meaningful function name.
The auxiliary pointer can optionally be used with asCALL_GENERIC. For the calling conventions asCALL_THISCALL_ASGLOBAL, asCALL_THISCALL_OBJFIRST and asCALL_THISCALL_OBJLAST the auxiliary is required.
In case the method to be registered is part of a composite member, then the compositeOffset should be used to give the offset to the composite member, and the method pointer should be method of the composite member. If the composite member is inline then set isCompositeIndirect as false, else set it to true for proper indirection.
pure virtual |
[in] | obj | The name of the type. |
[in] | declaration | The declaration of the method in script syntax. |
[in] | funcPointer | The method or function pointer. |
[in] | callConv | The calling convention for the method or function. |
[in] | auxiliary | A helper object for use with some calling conventions. |
[in] | compositeOffset | The offset to the composite object. |
[in] | isCompositeIndirect | Set to false if the composite object is inline, and true if it is refered to by pointer. |
asWRONG_CONFIG_GROUP | The object type was registered in a different configuration group. |
asNOT_SUPPORTED | The calling convention is not supported. |
asINVALID_TYPE | The obj parameter is not a valid object name. |
asINVALID_DECLARATION | The declaration is invalid. |
asNAME_TAKEN | The name conflicts with other members. |
asWRONG_CALLING_CONV | The function's calling convention isn't compatible with callConv. |
asALREADY_REGISTERED | The method has already been registered with the same parameter list. |
asINVALID_ARG | The auxiliary pointer wasn't set according to calling convention. |
Use this method to register a member method for the type. The method that is registered may be an actual class method, or a global function that takes the object pointer as either the first or last parameter. Or it may be a global function implemented with the generic calling convention.
The auxiliary pointer can optionally be used with asCALL_GENERIC. For the calling conventions asCALL_THISCALL_OBJFIRST and asCALL_THISCALL_OBJLAST the auxiliary is required.
In case the method to be registered is part of a composite member, then the compositeOffset should be used to give the offset to the composite member, and the method pointer should be method of the composite member. If the composite member is inline then set isCompositeIndirect as false, else set it to true for proper indirection.
pure virtual |
[in] | obj | The name of the type. |
[in] | declaration | The property declaration in script syntax. |
[in] | byteOffset | The offset into the memory block where this property is found. |
[in] | compositeOffset | The offset to the composite object. |
[in] | isCompositeIndirect | Set to false if the composite object is inline, and true if it is refered to by pointer. |
asWRONG_CONFIG_GROUP | The object type was registered in a different configuration group. |
asINVALID_OBJECT | The obj does not specify an object type. |
asINVALID_TYPE | The obj parameter has invalid syntax. |
asINVALID_DECLARATION | The declaration is invalid. |
asNAME_TAKEN | The name conflicts with other members. |
Use this method to register a member property of a class. The property must be local to the object, i.e. not a global variable or a static member. The easiest way to get the offset of the property is to use the asOFFSET macro.
In case the property to be registered is part of a composite member, then the compositeOffset should be used to give the offset to the composite member, and byteOffset should be the offset to the property in that composite member. If the composite member is inline then set isCompositeIndirect as false, else set it to true for proper indirection.
pure virtual |
[in] | obj | The name of the type. |
[in] | byteSize | The size of the type in bytes. Only necessary for value types. |
[in] | flags | One or more of the asEObjTypeFlags. |
asINVALID_ARG | The flags are invalid. |
asINVALID_NAME | The name is invalid. |
asALREADY_REGISTERED | Another type of the same name already exists. |
asNAME_TAKEN | The name conflicts with other symbol names. |
asLOWER_ARRAY_DIMENSION_NOT_REGISTERED | When registering an array type the array element must be a primitive or a registered type. |
asINVALID_TYPE | The array type was not properly formed. |
asNOT_SUPPORTED | The array type is not supported, or already in use preventing it from being overloaded. |
Use this method to register new types that should be available to the scripts. Reference types, which have their memory managed by the application, should be registered with asOBJ_REF. Value types, which have their memory managed by the engine, should be registered with asOBJ_VALUE.
pure virtual |
[in] | datatype | The datatype that the string factory returns |
[in] | factory | The pointer to the factory object |
asINVALID_ARG | The factory is null. |
asINVALID_TYPE | The datatype is not a valid type, or it is a reference or handle. |
Use this function to register a string factory that will be called during compilation to create instances of a string constant. The string factory will also be used while saving bytecode in order to get the raw string data for serialization.
The data type that represents the string type should be informed without reference or handle token, as the script engine will assume a const reference anyway.
pure virtual |
[in] | type | The name of the new typedef |
[in] | decl | The datatype that the typedef represents |
asINVALID_NAME | The type is null, is not an identifier, or it is a reserved keyword. |
asALREADY_REGISTERED | A type with the same name already exists. |
asINVALID_TYPE | The decl is not a primitive type. |
asNAME_TAKEN | The name is already used elsewhere. |
This method registers an alias for a data type.
Currently typedefs can only be registered for built-in primitive types.
pure virtual |
Call this method when you will no longer use the references that you own.
If you know that the engine is supposed to be shut down, then it is recommended to call the ShutDownAndRelease method instead.
pure virtual |
[in] | obj | A pointer to the object. |
[in] | type | The type of the object. |
This calls the release method of the object to release the reference.
If the type is a value type, the method will destroy the object and deallocate the memory using the default memory routine.
pure virtual |
[in] | groupName | The name of the configuration group |
asCONFIG_GROUP_IS_IN_USE | The group is in use and cannot be removed. |
Remove the configuration group. If something in the configuration group is currently in use, the function will return with an error code. Examples of uses are compiled modules that have function calls to functions in the group and global variables of types registered in the group.
pure virtual |
This method will invoke the registered request context callback and return an available context in an unprepared state.
Contexts obtained through this method shouldn't be released, instead they should be returned to the origin with a call to ReturnContext.
pure virtual |
[in] | ctx | The context that should be returned to the origin |
pure virtual |
[in] | callback | The callback function |
[in] | param | Optional parameter that will be passed back to the callback function |
This callback is meant to be used during development to help identify scripts that are creating circular references. As the callback will be invoked when the objects in the circular reference are detected, but before they are destroyed, the application can investigate their content to get hints where the objects are created from.
pure virtual |
[in] | requestCtx | The request context callback function |
[in] | returnCtx | The return context callback function |
[in] | param | An optional parameter that will be passed to the callback |
asINVALID_ARG | Only one of the context functions is informed |
This method can be used by the application to implement a context pool, or to perform custom configuration on the contexts that the engine uses internally.
This can for example be used to debug calls to initialize global variables when building modules, or to detect script exceptions that may occur in script class destructors when called from the garbage collector.
pure virtual |
[in] | callback | A pointer to the function |
[in] | type | An identifier specifying which user data the callback is to be used with. |
The function given with this call will be invoked when a context is destroyed if any user data has been registered with the context.
The function is called from within the context destructor, so the callback should not be used for anything but cleaning up the user data itself.
[in] | defaultMask | The default access bit mask. |
pure virtual |
[in] | nameSpace | The namespace that should be used. |
asINVALID_ARG | The namespace is invalid |
Call this method to set the default namespace for which the following calls should assume. This applies to registration of the application interface and also to the functions that searches for registered entities.
Nested namespaces can be informed by separating them with the scope token, i.e. ::
pure virtual |
[in] | property | One of the asEEngineProp values. |
[in] | value | The new value of the property. |
asINVALID_ARG | Invalid property. |
With this method you can change the way the script engine works in some regards.
pure virtual |
[in] | callback | A pointer to the function |
[in] | type | An identifier specifying which user data the callback is to be used with. |
The function given with this call will be invoked when the engine is destroyed if any user data has been registered with the engine.
The function is called from within the engine destructor, so the callback should not be used for anything but cleaning up the user data itself.
pure virtual |
[in] | callback | A pointer to the function |
[in] | type | An identifier specifying which user data the callback is to be used with. |
The function given with this call will be invoked when a function is destroyed if any user data has been registered with the function.
The function is called from within the function destructor, so the callback should not be used for anything but cleaning up the user data itself.
pure virtual |
[in] | compiler | A pointer to the JIT compiler |
This method is used to set the JIT compiler. The engine will automatically invoke the JIT compiler when it is set after compiling scripts or loading pre-compiled byte code.
pure virtual |
[in] | callback | A function or class method pointer. |
[in] | obj | The object for methods, or an optional parameter for functions. |
[in] | callConv | The calling convention. |
asINVALID_ARG | One of the arguments is incorrect, e.g. obj is null for a class method. |
asNOT_SUPPORTED | The arguments are not supported, e.g. asCALL_GENERIC. |
This method sets the callback routine that will receive compiler messages. The callback routine can be either a class method, e.g:
or a global function, e.g:
It is recommended to register the message callback routine right after creating the engine, as some of the registration functions can provide useful information to better explain errors.
pure virtual |
[in] | callback | A pointer to the function |
[in] | type | An identifier specifying which user data the callback is to be used with. |
The function given with this call will be invoked when the module is destroyed if any user data has been registered with the module.
The function is called from within the module destructor, so the callback should not be used for anything but cleaning up the user data itself.
pure virtual |
[in] | callback | A pointer to the function |
[in] | type | An identifier specifying which user data the callback is to be used with. |
The function given with this call will be invoked when a script object instance is destroyed if any user data has been registered with the type.
The function is called from within the script object destructor, so the callback should not be used for anything but cleaning up the user data itself.
pure virtual |
[in] | callback | The callback function/method that should be called upon an exception. |
[in] | param | A user defined parameter, or the object pointer on which the callback is called. |
[in] | callConv | The calling convention of the callback function/method. |
asNOT_SUPPORTED | Calling convention must not be asCALL_GENERIC, or the routine's calling convention is not supported. |
asINVALID_ARG | param must not be null for class methods. |
asWRONG_CALLING_CONV | callConv isn't compatible with the routines' calling convention. |
This callback function will be called by the VM when an application exception is raised, which allow the application to translate the exception into a useful string to inform in SetException.
The callback function signature must be either:
void (*)(asIScriptContext *, void *);
void (param::*)(asIScriptContext *);
See Exceptions for an example on how to use this.
pure virtual |
[in] | callback | A pointer to the function |
[in] | type | An identifier specifying which user data the callback is to be used with. |
The function given with this call will be invoked when a type info is destroyed if any user data has been registered with the type.
The function is called from within the type info destructor, so the callback should not be used for anything but cleaning up the user data itself.
pure virtual |
[in] | data | A pointer to the user data. |
[in] | type | An identifier specifying the user data to set. |
This method allows the application to associate a value, e.g. a pointer, with the engine instance.
The type values 1000 through 1999 are reserved for use by the official add-ons.
Optionally, a callback function can be registered to clean up the user data when the engine is destroyed.
pure virtual |
Call this method when you know it is time to shut down the engine. This will automatically discard all the script modules and run a complete garbage collection cycle.
Calling this method rather than the ordinary Release method will avoid potential memory leaks if for example there are objects in the modules or garbage collector that indirectly holds a reference to the engine.
pure virtual |
[in] | section | The name of the script section. |
[in] | row | The row number. |
[in] | col | The column number. |
[in] | type | The message type. |
[in] | message | The message text. |
asINVALID_ARG | The section or message is null. |
This method can be used by the application to write messages to the same message callback that the script compiler uses. This is useful for example if a preprocessor is used.