array template object

Path: /sdk/add_on/scriptarray/

The array type is a template object that allow the scripts to declare arrays of any type. Since it is a generic class it is not the most performatic due to the need to determine characteristics at runtime. For that reason it is recommended that the application registers a template specialization for the array types that are most commonly used.

The type is registered with RegisterScriptArray(asIScriptEngine *engine, bool defaultArrayType). The second parameter should be set to true if you wish to allow the syntax form type[] to declare arrays.

Compile the add-on with the pre-processor define AS_USE_STLNAMES=1 to register the methods with the same names as used by C++ STL where the methods have the same significance. Not all methods from STL is implemented in the add-on, but many of the most frequent once are so a port from script to C++ and vice versa might be easier if STL names are used.

Compile the add-on with the pre-processor define AS_USE_ACCESSORS=1 to register length as a virtual property instead of the method length().

Public C++ interface

class CScriptArray
// Set the memory functions that should be used by all CScriptArrays
static void SetMemoryFunctions(asALLOCFUNC_t allocFunc, asFREEFUNC_t freeFunc);
// Factory functions
static CScriptArray *Create(asITypeInfo *arrayType);
static CScriptArray *Create(asITypeInfo *arrayType, asUINT length);
static CScriptArray *Create(asITypeInfo *arrayType, asUINT length, void *defaultValue);
static CScriptArray *Create(asITypeInfo *arrayType, void *listBuffer);
// Memory management
void AddRef() const;
void Release() const;
// Type information
asITypeInfo *GetArrayObjectType() const;
int GetArrayTypeId() const;
int GetElementTypeId() const;
// Get the current size
asUINT GetSize() const;
// Returns true if the array is empty
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Pre-allocates memory for elements
void Reserve(asUINT numElements);
// Resize the array
void Resize(asUINT numElements);
// Get a pointer to an element. Returns 0 if out of bounds
void *At(asUINT index);
const void *At(asUINT index) const;
// Set value of an element.
// The value arg should be a pointer to the value that will be copied to the element.
// Remember, if the array holds handles the value parameter should be the
// address of the handle. The refCount of the object will also be incremented
void SetValue(asUINT index, void *value);
// Copy the contents of one array to another (only if the types are the same)
CScriptArray &operator=(const CScriptArray&);
// Compare two arrays
bool operator==(const CScriptArray &) const;
// Array manipulation
void InsertAt(asUINT index, void *value);
void RemoveAt(asUINT index);
void InsertLast(void *value);
void RemoveLast();
void SortAsc();
void SortAsc(asUINT startAt, asUINT count);
void SortDesc();
void SortDesc(asUINT startAt, asUINT count);
void Sort(asUINT startAt, asUINT count, bool asc);
void Sort(asIScriptFunction *less, asUINT startAt, asUINT count);
void Reverse();
int Find(void *value) const;
int Find(asUINT startAt, void *value) const;
int FindByRef(void *ref) const;
int FindByRef(asUINT startAt, void *ref) const;
// Returns the address of the inner buffer for direct manipulation
void *GetBuffer();

Public script interface

See also
Arrays in the script language

C++ example

This function shows how a script array can be instantiated from the application and then passed to the script.

// Registered with AngelScript as 'array<string> @CreateArrayOfString()'
CScriptArray *CreateArrayOfStrings()
// If called from the script, there will always be an active
// context, which can be used to obtain a pointer to the engine.
if( ctx )
asIScriptEngine* engine = ctx->GetEngine();
// The script array needs to know its type to properly handle the elements.
// Note that the object type should be cached to avoid performance issues
// if the function is called frequently.
asITypeInfo* t = engine->GetTypeInfoByDecl("array<string>");
// Create an array with the initial size of 3 elements
CScriptArray* arr = CScriptArray::Create(t, 3);
for( asUINT i = 0; i < arr->GetSize(); i++ )
// Set the value of each element
string val("test");
arr->SetValue(i, &val);
// The ref count for the returned handle was already set in the array's constructor
return arr;
return 0;
AS_API asIScriptContext * asGetActiveContext()
Returns the currently active context.
The interface to the virtual machine.
Definition: angelscript.h:2654
The engine interface.
Definition: angelscript.h:1060
virtual asIScriptEngine * GetEngine() const =0
Returns a pointer to the engine.
The interface for describing types This interface is used to describe the types in the script engine.
Definition: angelscript.h:3462
void(* asFREEFUNC_t)(void *)
The function signature for the custom memory deallocation function.
Definition: angelscript.h:635
unsigned int asUINT
32 bit unsigned integer
Definition: angelscript.h:598
The interface for a script function description.
Definition: angelscript.h:3757
void *(* asALLOCFUNC_t)(size_t)
The function signature for the custom memory allocation function.
Definition: angelscript.h:633
virtual asITypeInfo * GetTypeInfoByDecl(const char *decl) const =0
Returns a type by declaration.