Helper functions

Path: /sdk/add_on/scripthelper/

These helper functions simplify the implementation of common tasks. They can be used as is or can serve as the starting point for your own framework.

Public C++ interface

// Compare relation between two objects of the same type.
// Uses the object's opCmp method to perform the comparison.
// Returns a negative value if the comparison couldn't be performed.
int CompareRelation(asIScriptEngine *engine, void *leftObj, void *rightObj, int typeId, int &result);
// Compare equality between two objects of the same type.
// Uses the object's opEquals method to perform the comparison, or if that doesn't exist the opCmp method.
// Returns a negative value if the comparison couldn't be performed.
int CompareEquality(asIScriptEngine *engine, void *leftObj, void *rightObj, int typeId, bool &result);
// Compile and execute simple statements.
// The module is optional. If given the statements can access the entities compiled in the module.
// The caller can optionally provide its own context, for example if a context should be reused.
int ExecuteString(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *code, asIScriptModule *mod = 0, asIScriptContext *ctx = 0);
// Compile and execute simple statements with option of return value.
// The module is optional. If given the statements can access the entitites compiled in the module.
// The caller can optionally provide its own context, for example if a context should be reused.
int ExecuteString(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *code, void *ret, int retTypeId, asIScriptModule *mod = 0, asIScriptContext *ctx = 0);
// Format the details of the script exception into a human readable text.
// Whenever the asIScriptContext::Execute method returns asEXECUTION_EXCEPTION, the application
// can call this function to get more information about that exception in a human readable form.
// The information obtained includes the current function, the script source section,
// program position in the source section, and the exception description itself.
std::string GetExceptionInfo(asIScriptContext *ctx, bool showStack = false);
// Write registered application interface to file.
// This function creates a file with the configuration for the offline compiler, asbuild, in the samples.
// If you wish to use the offline compiler you should call this function from you application after the
// application interface has been fully registered. This way you will not have to create the configuration
// file manually.
int WriteConfigToFile(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *filename);
// Write the registered application interface to a text stream.
int WriteConfigToStream(asIScriptEngine *engine, std::ostream &strm);
// Loads an interface from a text stream and configures the engine with it. This will not
// set the correct function pointers, so it is not possible to use this engine to execute
// scripts, but it can be used to compile scripts and save the byte code.
int ConfigEngineFromStream(asIScriptEngine *engine, std::istream &strm, const char *nameOfStream = "config", asIStringFactory *stringFactory = 0);


To compare two script objects the application can execute the following code:

void Compare(asIScriptObject *a, asIScriptObject *b)
asIScriptEngine *engine = a->GetEngine();
int typeId = a->GetTypeId();
int cmp;
int r = CompareRelation(engine, a, b, typeId, cmp);
if( r < 0 )
cout << "The relation between a and b cannot be established b" << endl;
if( cmp < 0 )
cout << "a is smaller than b" << endl;
else if( cmp == 0 )
cout << "a is equal to b" << endl;
cout << "a is greater than b" << endl;
The interface to the virtual machine.
Definition: angelscript.h:2654
virtual asIScriptEngine * GetEngine() const =0
Return the script engine.
The interface for the string factory.
Definition: angelscript.h:2100
The engine interface.
Definition: angelscript.h:1060
The interface to the script modules.
Definition: angelscript.h:2166
virtual int GetTypeId() const =0
Returns the type id of the object.
The interface for an instance of a script object.
Definition: angelscript.h:3348