asrun manual

asrun is a simple command-line tool that supports executing AngelScript files directly in order to perform simple batch tasks. The API provided by the tool allow the script to interact with the system to read and write files, and execute other system commands.

On Windows it can be associated, for example with the file extension .as, to allow scripts to be executed directly from the file browser with a double click. This makes it a handy tool even without a terminal for command-line input.


asrun [-d] <script file> [<args>]
 -d             inform if the script should be runned with debug
 <script file>  is the script file that should be runned
 <args>         zero or more args for the script

These usage instructions are also presented if the tool is executed without any arguments.


As entry point for executing the scripts, asrun looks for one of the functions int main() or void main(). If neither of these functions are found an error will be reported.

The scripts can use the full set of the script language and standard library described in the script language section of this manual. In addition to that a few functions specific to asrun are available as described in the next section.

The script file informed as input on the command line may include additional files with the include directive #include "<file name>", so that the script files can be better organized and common logic shared between multiple scripts.

Global functions available to scripts

Besides the standard library, the following functions are also exposed to the scripts.

void print(const string &in line)

Prints a line to the standard output.

string getInput()

Gets a line from the standard input.

array<string> @getCommandLineArgs()

Gets the command line arguments as an array.

int exec(const string &in)

Executes a system command.

How to debug scripts

To run a script with the debugger, either add the command line argument -d or include #pragma debug in the script. When this is done, the debugger will show a prompt like this:

Debugging, waiting for commands. Type 'h' for help.

This will then let you set up breakpoints, step through the code, inspect variables, etc. Type h on the prompt to get the list of commands available.